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New Feature: eCommerce Product Information Attachments for Product Pages

January 10, 2019 | Brandon Kim

We know that for most B2B companies selling online presenting eCommerce product information attachments in the product pages is crucial. B2B buyers are more detail-oriented and need to know the exact specifics about the product before they make a purchase. But obviously, no one wants to get bogged down in the secondary information as customers browse through your webstore. So what’s the solution? With OroCommerce, you can bolster your products pages with marketing sheets, product specs, and certifications neatly attached on a product page next to your product images or other media.

eCommerce Product Information Attachments - Salt

This feature will be extremely useful for a variety of businesses, particularly improving their online customer experience and order conversion rates. By complementing your online product information with the comprehensive spec sheets and collateral marketing materials, you arrange a streamlined eCommerce journey for your customers as they evaluate and purchase your products.

Let’s consider a few more advantages of having your eCommerce product information attachments a mouse-click away from your online product description.

Offer a better customer experience

B2B companies often sell complex products where offering short product descriptions is not enough. Other companies may offer a niche product where more information needs to be shared to clearly outline what makes the product unique. In all of these cases your potential buyers will look for supporting product data whether it be supplemental documents or product videos. Proactively providing these assets will offer a better CX resulting in shorter sales cycles and a higher order conversion rate.

Simplify maintenance of complex product data

This new feature can also make the process of maintaining marketing and product sheets much more efficient. When product data resides in different places of your eCommerce website, it becomes prone to mistakes and inconsistent updates. On the contrary, this new feature in OroCommerce allows you to have your marketing sheets conveniently attached to your product pages, which ensures a uniform lifecycle management of your diverse product literature.   

Build trust

B2B is all about building trust with the company you do business with. Providing additional details about what you are selling in a clean and intuitive way will help establish trust for your buyers and offer the transparency they seek when buying online.

Run effective content marketing

Finally, having in-depth marketing resources neatly organized on your product pages will help you take over the banner of content leader in your business domain. As a result, your content marketing initiatives will have a direct impact on potential customers by unobtrusively providing them with valuable educational materials as well as thorough information about your product line.

Want to see the eCommerce product information attachments feature along with our other B2B eCommerce capabilities? Contact us and let an Oro expert to walk you through a demo.



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