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Developers' Digest

OroCRM Maintenance Releases Recap of August 2018

September 5, 2018 | istrutynska

As always, once a month we’re updating our Community on the most recent performance optimizations and issue fixes in OroPlatform and OroCRM. Keep on reading this August maintenance releases recap to learn more about the changes Oro team has implemented.

New OroPlatform and OroCRM LTS Maintenance Releases

OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.27

  • Shopping list grid headers display correct column names after a product has been added to a shopping list.
  • It’s now possible to quickly delete any number of the expired shopping lists.
  • A tooltip message that appears when a user hovers over the Submit Order button during the single page checkout now displays correctly.

To view all the new changes, check the respective GitHub repositories and read the release notes:

OroPlatform 2.6.27 GitHub repository and  release notes

OroCRM CE 2.6.27 GitHub repository and release notes

*OroCRM EE 2.6.27 GitHub repository and release notes

* Note that all of our GitHub repos for the Oro products’ Enterprise Editions are only available to the logged in Enterprise users.

OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.26

To accelerate product saving when updating products and improve product management experience, support for `fetch`option in extended relations has been added.

To learn more, check the respective GitHub repositories and read the release notes:

OroPlatform 2.6.26 GitHub repository and  release notes

OroCRM CE 2.6.26 GitHub repository and release notes

*OroCRM EE 2.6.26 GitHub repository and release notes

OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.25

The changes to config expression “blank condition” made to resolve the issue related to an unnecessary warning message displayed when duplicating shopping lists have been reverted to prevent backward incompatibility.

For more details, check the following links:

OroPlatform 2.6.25 GitHub repository and  release notes

OroCRM CE 2.6.25 GitHub repository and release notes

*OroCRM EE 2.6.25 GitHub repository and release notes

OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.24

The resolved issue: the country/region selector in the backend used English equivalents for the country and regions names instead of translations when creating an address for a Contact.

For more details, check the following links:

OroPlatform 2.6.24 GitHub repository and release notes

OroCRM CE 2.6.24 GitHub repository and release notes

OroCRM EE 2.6.24 GitHub repository* and release notes

OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.23

  • The DB index by updatedAt field has been added to the Lead entity.
  • Admins can change permissions for Checkout workflow start transition when editing a customer user role.
  • The error in postFlush that occurred if an auditable entity had a “resource” field has been fixed.

For more details, check the following links:

OroPlatform 2.6.23 GitHub repository and  release notes

OroCRM CE 2.6.23 GitHub repository and release notes

*OroCRM EE 2.6.23 GitHub repository and release notes

OroPlatform, OroCRM, OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.22

Email signature added to Signature Content using Source Code WYSIWYG button doesn’t work when a user replies to a message.

For more information, visit the respective GitHub repositories and read the release notes:

OroPlatform 2.6.22release notes

OroCRM CE 2.6.22release notes

OroCRM EE 2.6.22 *- release notes

OroCRM Enterprise 2.3.35

Enums from Magento now sync correctly.

Check out the following links to learn more:

OroCRM EE 2.3.35 *- release notes

We hope you will find the new improvements and fixes useful. More changes are coming soon, so stay tuned for September maintenance releases recap.

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