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Important Changes to OroVibe 2020

March 4, 2020 | msarandi

Every year, we look forward to getting everyone together for OroVibe, one of the most important events in B2B eCommerce. At the same time, the health and safety of our attendees remain our #1 priority.

Unfortunately, due to growing concerns of the COVID-19 coronavirus this year, and increased government measures in Europe, we had to postpone OroVibe 2020 planned for March 18.

Over the past few weeks, we have been actively preparing and working closely with our partners, speakers, and exhibitors. We were also carefully evaluating the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 to better assess the risks of hosting the event at this point in time.

We are saddened and disappointed to have made this difficult decision, but trust it’s for the best for everyone.

Businesses leaders, brands and the IT community have high expectations out of OroVibe, and we remain hard at work in selecting a more suitable date for the event. As we make preparations and iron out further details, we’ll keep you updated with our plans in the coming weeks.

Those who are already registered will be updated by email. For everyone else, we recommend you pre-register to be notified when the new date for OroVibe 2020 is announced.

We thank you for your understanding and hope to see you at OroVibe 2020 soon. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us via email.

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