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New Release: OroCommerce 3.0.0 Is Now Available

August 7, 2018 | istrutynska

We’re pleased to announce that the new OroCommerce Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE) 3.0.0 have just been released. Version 3.0.0 is a preview release that finalizes Symfony 3.4 upgrade and signals the official launch of branch 3.x. This version provides our Community with early access to the new features that can be tried and tested. Some of these features will be further refined, which is why we recommend the Community members not to use this preview release in production environments.

In release 3.0.0. of OroCommerce CE and EE 3.0.0, we’ve improved the application architecture and application upgrade speed,enhanced the Admin panel, and made several API performance optimizations.

New Changes to OroCommerce CE and EE 3.0.0.

Architecture upgrades

  • Symfony version has been upgraded to 3.4 LTS.
  • The minimum required PHP version has been changed to 7.1.17.
  • The minimum required Elasticsearch version has been changed to 6.0 (for OroCommerce EE).
  • Support for LESS preprocessor has been discontinued, all `*.less` files were converted to `*.scss` format.

Redesign of the Admin panel

To improve user experience and make the Admin Panel look more up-to-date, we’ve started redesigning it. The application’s header and the Admin Panel main menu have been enhanced for a more refined UI. We’ve also changed the appearance of the Admin Panel login pages to improve the usability of the login experience.


  • To make it easier for sysadmins to define and monitor the availability of application system components, a new web endpoint `/healthcheck/http_status_checks` has been added. For all available system components, it returns `HTTP 200` response. When some components are unavailable, the endpoint returns `HTTP 200` respectively. The endpoint web page displays the list of performed checks with each component’s availability status.
  • To ensure faster application upgrades, we’ve added two new options to `oro:platform:update` command. Now it’s possible to skip search reindexation and schedule the reindexation in the message queue.


  • It’s possible to replace any entity with a model in API. Relationships to the replaced entity will be still valid.
  • Three new actions were added to enable updating, adding, and deleting API subresources.
  • Content of a form (e.g. order form)can be validated by API processors. The validation is performed after the included and primary entities data is converted to entities before these entities are saved to the database.
  • It’s possible to add custom operators to API filters via `RestFilterValueAccessor`.
  • `OPTIONS` routes for old REST API have been removed as deprecated.

Other improvements

  • Registration at checkout has been added to the Guest Checkout workflow.
  • Sorting and filtering product attributes are limited to a product family being viewed.
  • Product grid render performance has been improved.
  • Swipe actions and responsive design have been added to the storefront grids.
  • A user can access configuration options collapsed by inline search query.
  • Store customer authentication is can be performed via API using `login` method (in OroCommerce EE).

Known issues

Application’s GDPR functionality and PayPal Express packages need further improvements to be compatible with OroCommerce 3.0

Version 3.1: What’s Coming Next

We welcome our Community members to access 3.1 development branch.

Our future release plans are the following:

  • Beta release 3.1 is scheduled for the late September 2018.
  • 3.1 RC (release candidate) is scheduled for the late November 2018.
  • A stable 3.1 LTS (long-term support) release goes live in January 2019.

If you plan to go live with your OroCommerce project after our LTS release is out, we recommend you to use the most up-to-date release in the 3.1 branch.

Check out the release notes available on GitHub:

* the link leads to the private repository, only available to the enterprise users.

We hope you find the new preview release of OroCommerce CE and EE 3.0.0 useful. To upgrade OroCommerce, follow the upgrade and clone instructions. The upgrade process is similar for all Oro applications. Please use the `orocommerce.git` repository or files from page when doing so.

Stay tuned for the future product upgrades and feel free to leave your feedback or product improvement suggestions below.

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