We are excited to announce that we now have a new Beta version of OroCommerce available. The new OroCommerce Beta 5 version includes the following features and enhancements:
Workflow Improvements
- Workflows can now be fully translated, including workflow step and transition names, form attribute labels and messages.
- Built-in translation management UI allows you to use your own translation packages and allows you to customize translations locally in your system.
- Automated workflow transition triggering allows for setting up automatic transitioning using both time-based and event-based scheduling.
Product Catalog
- The new catalog search functionality is now available on the store front-end. The search engine takes into account all product catalog settings, including customized category and product visibility, custom pricing, and multi-language localizations. It also supports content personalization on multiple websites in OroCommerce Enterprise Edition.
- Additionally, OroCommerce Enterprise Edition users may enjoy enhanced quality of the search results, performance and scalability of the search indexing and querying via integration with the new message queue back-end (RabbitMQ) and the search index engine powered by ElasticSearch.
Shipping & Order Management
- Shipping rule conditions were extended to allow for creation of shipping rules using deep line item inspections (based on whether all or some line items satisfy certain conditions).
- Back-office users can now modify shipping method selections in sales orders.
- Numerous improvements have been made to the shipping integrations module (e.g. weight unit conversions, caching of shipping calculation results, option translations, etc.)
Store Front-end
- Major improvements (including caching, pipeline rendering of multiple page parts, sub-tree rendering and working with data) were done to the layout engine.
- We also started adaptation of the default store front-end theme to mobile device requirements (work in progress).
Management Console
- New improved menu management UI allows for customization of the main navigation menus for individual users, organizations (enterprise edition) or globally.
- Performance improvements in data grids that use advanced security or operation/action configurations.
Technical Improvements
- Improved logging module that allows for more flexibility in debugging production environments.
- New console commands to export and update workflow configuration via YAML files.
- More store front-end theme pages have been made available in the blank theme.
We have also included a few dozen of small bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements into this release.
Please follow these instructions to install OroCommerce Beta 5 or try the OroCommerce public demo.
If you are upgrading from the previous release, please run composer update and php app/console oro:platform:upgrade20 after you have downloaded the new version.
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