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Update: New Maintenance Releases for OroCRM and OroCommerce

January 16, 2018 | Oro Team

As we constantly revise Oro’s products for improvements, we do our best to update the Oro community on the newest application upgrades in the most informative way. From now on, we’ll be moving to a different format for our regular OroCRM and OroCommerce maintenance releases announcements. What’s new about it?

In our blog, we’ll be summarizing the new releases once per month. Along with that, we’ll be providing a recap of the enhancements and bug fixes made within the long-term support (LTS) maintenance releases and offer quick links to the minor versions’ of the maintenance releases.

To be instantly alerted of the new maintenance releases, follow our OroCRM EE, OroCRM CE, OroCommerce EE and OroCommerce CE GitHub repositories and check out our release schedule to get an idea of when new versions will be available.

And now, let’s finally give our new announcement format a try and see what improvements the latest maintenance releases include.

New LTS Maintenance Releases for OroCRM and OroCommerce

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.0.35

In OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.0.35, the following items have been improved:

  • The text of the system notification that appears when creating a new event in the calendar has been changed to be more user-friendly.
  • Users can now make all necessary changes when editing workflows.
  • Image resizer now functions properly.
  • The work of the security facade service decorator has been improved.

For the complete list of enhancements, check out the respective * GitHub repository and the OroCRM Enterprise 2.0.35 release notes.

* Note that all of our GitHub repos for the Oro products’ Enterprise Editions are only available to the logged in Enterprise users.

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 1.12.35

The maintaining release of version 1.12.35 for OroCRM Enterprise Edition provides general performance improvements and the following bug fixes:

  • The “Create E-Mail Template” works properly when being opened.
  • Search by tags added to the cases converted from emails works as intended.

To learn more about OroCRM Enterprise Edition 1.12.35, visit the respective GitHub repository and view the OroCRM Enterprise 1.12.35 release notes.

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.3.19

The major improvements OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.3.19 introduces include the following:

  • OroPlatform 2.x LTS dependency on Symfony 2.8 has been upgraded to the latest patch version.
  • Import via message queue has been improved to properly initialize file reader and writer.
  • The global view issue and ownership issues have been resolved.
  • Export jobs have been improved to exclude temp folder overflow
  • The amount of unexpected queue messages for user’s success login tracking has been decreased.

For the complete list of enhancements, check out the respective GitHub repository and the OroCRM Enterprise 2.3.19 release notes.

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.3.19

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.3.19 provides the application enhancements as follows:

  • The WYSIWYG Editor has been enabled for the content blocks.
  • Applying filters and deleting products using the management console is resolved.
  • Applying sorter filters and merging Account or Contact using the management console is error free.
  • The process of creating promotions and adding products to them has been improved to ensure no errors occur.
  • The validation of the product’s localizedfallbackvalues field on /product/view now works as intended.

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.3.19 GitHub rep will provide you with more technical details. Make sure to read the release notes, too.

Minor Maintenance Releases for OroCRM and OroCommerce

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.4.9

Visit the GitHub repository and read the OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.4.9 release notes.  

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.4.9

This maintenance release introduces a few minor fixes to ensure a smooth user experience and an increased security level. Here you can view all of the changes to the application and look through the release notes for OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.4.9.  

OroCRM Enterprise Edition 2.5.2

The maintenance release of version 2.5.2 for OroCRM Enterprise Edition is dedicated mostly to insignificant bug fixes you can learn about more by visiting this GitHub repository and viewing the release notes.

OroCommerce Enterprise Edition 1.5.2

The OroCommerce EE 1.5.2 maintenance release provides several performance optimizations. To find out what they are, follow this link that will take you to the repository. Here you can also find the accompanying release notes.

Stay tuned for the next batch of the Oro maintenance releases we’ll blog about in a couple of weeks.

Do let us know what you think about our new format in the comments section below. Every feedback counts and will help us best deliver the best offering to our Community.

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