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We Stand with Our Ukrainian Friends

March 1, 2022 | Oro Team

Our goal at Oro is to develop digital commerce solutions that help connect people. We’re now experiencing more than ever how important connectivity and unity are as Russia wages war on Ukraine. 

Oro has deep ties to Ukraine, and it’s critical for us to stay connected with our Ukrainian friends and provide any support we can for them. We also would like to thank our customers, partners, and friends who have already contacted us and offered help.

What can I do to help?

We have set up a charitable fund to help Ukrainian civilians facing the horrors of the war. The collected donations will be used to provide our Ukrainian friends with medical aids, clothes, shelter for families, logistical and financial support. 

You can find more details on how to donate and offer your help by clicking the button below. We’ll make sure that your help gets where it needs to.

How are our colleagues and friends doing?

We put the safety of our people and their families first. Most of our Ukrainian employees and their families have been evacuated to the neighboring EU countries and stay safe and strong. 

How is Oro affected as a company?

Oro Inc. is a globally distributed company with offices around the world. The war in Ukraine will not affect operations drastically. We have been preparing for a crisis in Ukraine for several weeks and have implemented an emergency plan for our Ukrainian employees.

What’s next?

We will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever. Together with the world, we’re united in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and wish for a quick and peaceful resolution for Ukraine and Europe.

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