Animal Supply Company Scales B2B eCommerce Operations with OroCommerce
Monthly B2B Orders
Price Lists

The Challenge
Animal Supply Co began to expand their distribution business into multiple territories by acquiring similar distributors in nearby regions. Through these acquisitions, Animal Supply found themselves managing four different web storefronts for each US region that they now owned (West, South, Southeast, and North).
Each region has multiple warehouses supplying their demand for thousands of retailers, all of whom required a login to enter one of the four storefronts. This fragmented system was difficult to maintain and was not conducive to their expanding business. Animal Supply wanted to consolidate their storefronts to allow their retailers to access their respective catalogs from one central webstore.
Animal Supply needed a system sophisticated enough to handle complex logic and workflows to manage contract restrictions for each of their retailers. For example, some retailers are not authorized to purchase certain brands due to their region. OroCommerce has the capacity to set these restrictions and display products accordingly. Each retailer also has their own pricing structure, product promotions, and territory restrictions. Orocommerce enabled the ability to navigate through these challenges by creating an intuitive shopping experience for the retailer on the frontend and a streamlined system for Animal Supply to effectively manage on the backend.
Former Executive
The Solution
The first step was to create a central hub to connect Animal Supply’s multiple ERP’s.
Since each ERP is configured with their own unique data flow and working logic, such as product identifiers, Oro leveraged a middleware to merge the data from all ERP’s into a uniform format to then effortlessly integrate into OroCommerce. In short, Animal Supply is now able to manage catalogs from multiple sources in a single platform.
The second step was to simplify Animal Supply’s complex pricing structure on thousands of products to create a personalized shopping experience for retailers. This was achieved by using OroCommerce’s out-of-the-box Price List feature to create customer specific pricing and promotions. This entire system is kept synchronized to the ERPs with nightly imports and real time updates on inventory and pricing. With OroCommerce, the retailer is now able to view pricing according to their contract and inventory from pre-approved warehouse locations on a personalized platform.