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Forums Forums OroCommerce Beta 4 – Price list usage

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  o.z.muhsin 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Creator
  • #31277


    First of all thanks to ORO TEAM for the release of B4!

    In the release beta-4 and also demo, I do see that there is a new feature on price list.Does anyone has some kind of user guide for administrator about this or share their experience on how to add use Product Assignents and Price Calculation rules.

    Many thanks.


    Ability to use product and category attributes to define rules for price calculations and their applicability in the price lists (e.g. calculate price based on the product purchase price, add the maximum margin that was set on the product or category level, and apply discounts for the customer group that this price list is created for, not exceeding the defined minimum margin).

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  • Author
  • #31278


    Product Assignment {extracted from Functional testing} e.g

    product.category.id == 2 or product.sku == “foobar”

    Calculate as : 1.1 — seems like the real price

    Well obviously I still do not have all figured out – but that works well…..



    Caluclate as based on other pricelists:

    pricelist[1].prices.value * 1.1

    >>Awsome :D

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