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Product News & Updates

Synolia Joins OroCRM Solution Partner Program

We are pleased to announce that Synolia has joined as OroCRM’s first official Solution Partner! Our team has worked to make our partnership official.

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Collaboration

Yesterday was an important milestone for our product as we took OroCRM to Beta! For a list of features of what is included in the Beta please click here.

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform Version 1.0.0-Beta1 is now available

The first Beta release of the ground breaking open-source CRM application OroCRM and the business application platform (BAP) Oro Platform is now available

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform version 1.0.0-alpha6 now available

OroCRM and Oro Platform version 1.0.0-alpha6 now available

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Roadmap Information

OroCRM releases product roadmap information for OroCRM and the Oro Platform

B2B eCommerce

Closing the Commerce Loop

Discover how OroCRM is closing the Marketing Loop.

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform version 1.0.0-alpha5 now available

OroCRM and Oro Platform (BAP) version 1.0.0-alpha5 is now available

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform version 1.0.0-alpha4 now available

new versions of the open-source CRM application OroCRM and Business Application Platform Oro Platform are now available

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform Community Involvement

we appreciate the importance of a community for an open-source project and understand that for OroCRM to be successful as an open-source CRM project we need a great community around it. With that, we would like to propose some defined ways to keep our conversation with our community open and transparent and set some expectations on collaboration and contributions.

Oro Blog

Our B2B eCommerce blog comprises posts on a wide range of topics any B2B eCommerce market player will find useful. We share only latest industry news, highlight most innovative technologies and proven B2B best practices, and announce high-profile events orchestrating the B2B eCommerce space. Our experts provide actionable marketing advice to help you fuel up your business evolvement. To introduce OroCommerce, the first genuine B2B platform, and educate our customers on its extensive set of features, we offer guided tutorials,functionality overviews, and latest product advancements. Subscribe to our blog to take advantage of the booming eCommerce market.

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