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You are currently viewing documentation for a previously released version of OroCRM. See the latest long-term support version.

How to Upgrade to a New Version

1. Checkout from the GitHub Repository

To retrieve a new version and upgrade your OroCRM instance, please execute the following steps:

  1. cd to the crm root folder and switch the application to the maintenance mode.
cd /path/to/application
sudo -uwww-data bin/console lexik:maintenance:lock --env=prod
  1. Stop the cron tasks.
crontab -e -uwww-data


www-data can be changed to user under which your web server runs

Comment this line.

     */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/application/bin/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null
  1. Create backups of your Database and Code.
  2. Pull changes from the repository.


If you have any customization or third party extensions installed, make sure that:
  • your changes to “src/AppKernel.php” file are merged to the new file.
  • your changes to “src/” folder are merged and it contains the custom files.
  • your changes to “composer.json” file are merged to the new file.
  • your changes to configuration files in “config/” folder are merged to the new files.
sudo -uwww-data git pull
sudo -uwww-data git checkout <VERSION TO UPGRADE>
  1. Upgrade the composer dependency and set up the right owner to the retrieved files.
sudo -u your_user_for_admin_tasks php composer.phar update --prefer-dist --no-dev
  1. Remove old caches.
sudo rm -rf var/cache/prod
  1. Upgrade the platform.
sudo -u www-data php bin/console oro:platform:update --env=prod --force


To speed up the update process, consider using –schedule-search-reindexation or –skip-search-reindexation option:

  • –schedule-search-reindexation — postpone search reindexation process until the message queue consumer is started (on step 11 below).
  • –skip-search-reindexation — skip search reindexation. Later, you can start it manually using the oro:search:reindex and oro:website-search:reindex commands. See Search Index: Indexation Process.
  1. Remove the caches.
sudo -u www-data bin/console cache:clear --env=prod

or, as alternative:

sudo rm -rf var/cache/prod
sudo -u www-data bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod
  1. Enable cron.
crontab -e -uwww-data

Uncomment this line.

     */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/application/bin/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null
  1. Switch your application back to normal mode from the maintenance mode.
sudo -uwww-data bin/console lexik:maintenance:unlock --env=prod
  1. Run the consumer(s).
sudo -u www-data bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --env=prod


If PHP bytecode cache tools (e.g. opcache) are used, PHP-FPM (or Apache web server) should be restarted after the uprgade to flush cached bytecode from the previous installation.

2. Download the Source Code Archive

To retrieve a new version and upgrade your OroCRM instance, please execute the following steps:

  1. cd to the crm root folder and switch the application to the maintenance mode.
cd /path/to/application
sudo -uwww-data bin/console lexik:maintenance:lock --env=prod
  1. Stop the cron tasks.
crontab -e -uwww-data


www-data can be changed to user under which your web server runs

Comment this line.

    */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/application/bin/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null
  1. Stop all running consumers.
  2. Create backups of your Database and Code.
  3. Download the latest OroCRM version from the download section on , unpack archive and overwrite existing system files.


If you have any customization or third party extensions installed, make sure that:
  • your changes to “src/AppKernel.php” file are merged to the new file.
  • your changes to “src/” folder are merged and it contains the custom files.
  • your changes to “composer.json” file are merged to the new file.
  • your changes to configuration files in “config/” folder are merged to the new files.
  • upgrade the composer dependency and set up right owner to the retrieved files.
sudo -u your_user_for_admin_tasks php composer.phar update --prefer-dist --no-dev
  1. Remove old caches.
sudo rm -rf var/cache/prod
  1. Upgrade the platform.
sudo -u www-data php bin/console oro:platform:update --env=prod --force
  1. Remove the caches.
sudo -u www-data bin/console cache:clear --env=prod

or, as alternative:

sudo rm -rf var/cache/prod
sudo -u www-data bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod
  1. Enable cron.
crontab -e -uwww-data

Uncomment this line.

    */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/application/bin/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null
  1. Switch your application back to normal mode from the maintenance mode.
sudo -uwww-data bin/console lexik:maintenance:unlock --env=prod
  1. Run the consumer(s).
sudo -u www-data bin/console oro:message-queue:consume --env=prod


If PHP bytecode cache tools (e.g. opcache) are used, PHP-FPM (or Apache web server) should be restarted after the upgrade to flush cached bytecode from the previous installation.

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