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AmqpMessageQueue Component (Enterprise Edition Only)

The component incorporates message queue in your application via different transports. It contains several layers.

The lowest layer is called Transport and it provides an abstraction of transport protocol. The Consumption layer provides the tools to consume messages, such as the cli command, signal handling, logging, extensions. It works on top of the transport layer.

The Client layer provides the ability to start producing\consuming messages with as little configuration as possible.

Minimum Permissions (RabbitMQ)

More about access control

Your credentials must meet the next minimum requirements:

  • You have access to the requested rabbitmq’s virtual host (/ by default).
  • You need to have the next permissions: configure, write, read. It could be a default value .* or a stricter oro\..*.


If you use only this component, you are free to create any queues you want and as many as you need. If you use the Client abstraction with this transport, the next queues will be created: oro.default and oro.default.delayed. The first keeps all sent messages, and the seconds keeps broken message that have to be delayed and redelivered later. You can still have more queues by explicitly configuring the message processor destinationName option.


Usage is similar to one described in the message queue component. Here, we will show you how to get amqp connection. We are assuming the RabbitMQ is used as a broker with minimum configuration.


use Oro\Component\AmqpMessageQueue\Transport\Amqp\AmqpConnection;

$connection = AmqpConnection::createFromConfig([
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 5672,
    'user' =>  'guest',
    'password' => 'guest',
    'vhost' => '/',

In order to use the component with the symfony application, you first have to register the amqp transport factory (). And tell the message queue bundle to use it.

namespace Oro\Bundle\AmqpMessageQueueBundle;

use Oro\Bundle\MessageQueueBundle\DependencyInjection\OroMessageQueueExtension;
use Oro\Component\AmqpMessageQueue\DependencyInjection\AmqpTransportFactory;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;

class AcmeCoreBundle extends Bundle
    public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
        /** @var OroMessageQueueExtension $extension */
        $extension = $container->getExtension('oro_message_queue');
        $extension->addTransportFactory(new AmqpTransportFactory());

*Tip: You can use AmqpMessageQueueBundle to register the factory automatically*

The config:

# config/config.yml
        default: 'amqp'
          host: ''
          port: 5672
          user: 'guest'
          password: 'guest'
          vhost: '/'

Delaying messages

In order to use delayed message with RabbitMQ broker, you have to install its plugin. More information can be found here

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