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You are currently viewing documentation for a previously released version of OroCommerce. See the latest long-term support version.

How to Add OroCommerce Capabilities to the OroCRM Application


Before install OroCommerce over OroCRM you should change default parameter web_backend_prefix to some non-empty prefix, f.e. – ‘/admin’.


To avoid access permissions issues, please review the Symfony Setting up or Fixing File Permissions guide before running any commands. On top of that, consider running the command(s) below with sudo -u [web server user name] prefix.

To install OroCommerce and OroCRM from scratch, please install OroCommerce application that has OroCRM capabilities embedded out-of the-box.

To add OroCommerce to the existing instance of OroCRM, please follow the ordinary OroCRM upgrade process and ensure you add the OroCommerce package as a dependency during the step 5. Once the upgrade process is complete, please run following commands to add necessary initial OroCommerce configuration:

app/console oro:config:update oro_website.url https://unsecure.url
app/console oro:config:update oro_website.secure_url http://secure.url

where https://unsecure.url and http://secure.url are urls for the OroCommerce storefront.

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