Welcome to OroCRM’s video tutorial series. This is Alex with OroCRM and today I’ll be demonstrating how to create and work with a Lead within OroCRM.
A Lead represents a person who is potentially interested in some business transaction. A Lead could be generated from many different scenarios such as:
- A user fills a contact request form on your website
- A potential customer calls your sales telephone team
- Marketing purchases a list of Leads, or
- A potential customer provides their business card at a trade show
These are of course just common examples.
In this demonstration I will cover the creation and usage of a Lead using OroCRM in its out of the box configuration. OroCRM is built with flexibility in mind so you have the option of creating and customizing your own workflows as well.
Before we begin otherwise it will be hidden in the user interface. Typically, Lead is added to the Sales channel. To get started we first should navigate to Sales > Leads. Next, click the create Lead button in the top right hand corner. The owner field is set to the currently signed in user by default but can be changed by selecting a new user from the drop down list.
Lead Name is used to identify the specific Lead record within OroCRM. Many Lead’s can be associated with a single Business Customer so naming each Lead uniquely is important.
Status represents the current condition of this Lead. By default the statuses are “New” “Qualified” and “Disqualified”. Company name is used to identify the parent company associated with this particular lead.
The Source field is for selecting the way this Lead reached you such as website, email marketing, or partners. The Campaign field represents a specific Marketing effort associated with this Lead’s source. This could be TV advertisment, Google AdWord, or a tradeshow.
Source and Campaign values are used to generate marketing reports to determine ROI and effectiveness. The values available for the Status and Source fields can be modified through the Entity Manager.
The additional notes field allows for the creation of internal notes. This field can be used to track details about the Lead’s needs. Alternatively, if the Lead was generated through system email box or contact request form, this field will contain details that the Lead provided in the form.
The Contact Information fields are standard pieces of contact information. Please note that an email or telephone number should be captured as part of the Lead, otherwise contacting them could be difficult. Marketing Lists in OroCRM will also require one of these fields to return useful data.
If the Lead is related to an existing Contact or Business Customer you can add that relationship now however it is not mandatory at this time.
Website, number of employees, and industry are all optional fields. You may add additional fields that are relevant to your business through entity manager.
Once you are satisfied with the details entered click Save & Close. This will take you to the Lead view page.
Actions can be added through the more actions menu. In addition, the Disqualify and Convert to Opportunity action buttons are available. The Disqualify action button will change the Status of the Lead to Disqualified.
The Convert to Opportunity action button will launch the Opportunity creation step. We will not cover this topic in this video however you can check out our other videos on Sales flow.
In the interest of flexibility OroCRM offers the ability to create and customize workflows. This way you can match your workflow in OroCRM to your businesses unique process.
Out of the box OroCRM includes a basic Lead workflow. This can be used as an example of a basic flow or a template for creating your own. However this workflow will not be covered in this video.
Thanks for watching. You can view more video tutorials on our website at our CRM tutorial library.