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Product News & Updates

Maintenance Release for OroCRM and OroPlatform CE 1.10.1 and Enterprise Edition 1.12.1 Are Now Available

August 31, 2016 | msarandi


We are happy to announce that our maintenance release of version 1.10.1 for our OroCRM and OroPlatform Community Edition (CE) as well as version 1.12.1 for OroCRM Enterprise Edition (EE) are now available.

The new maintenance releases focus primarily on application bug fixes and overall performance improvements. For the complete list of enhancements, be sure to check our GitHub or click on the following links (please make sure you are first logged into GitHub):

OroPlatform CE 1.10.1 Application – (click here to check out the release notes)
OroCRM CE 1.10.1 Application – (click here to view the release notes)
OroCRM EE 1.12.1 Application – (click here to view the release notes)

If you are already using one of our older versions, you can use the upgrade instructions to update to the latest version. Clone instructions can be found here.

As always. We look forward to your feedback and comments in our forums. We hope you enjoy this release and find it useful. Thank you!

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