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Developers' Digest

OroCRM Maintenance Releases Recap of May 2018

June 4, 2018 | istrutynska

To keep OroCRM secure and up-to-date, the Oro team is regularly issuing patch maintenance releases. In this post, we’re recapping the most recent minor releases introduced to the application in May.

New OroCRM Maintenance Releases

OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.13

The changes made within the maintenance release for OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.13 include the following improvements:

  • The data grid “equals” filter works as intended.
  • Exported Excel files contain all relevant data.
  • The State drop-down is no longer displayed on the Address Region View for the countries without regions.
  • Filter types can be properly changed on the Opportunities grid and display correct values.
  • The issue related to the app submenus viewed FireFox has been resolved.

For the complete list of new changes, visit the respective * GitHub repository and read the release notes.

* Note that all of our GitHub repos for the Oro products’ Enterprise Editions are only available to the logged in Enterprise users.

OroCRM Enterprise 2.6.12

The following fixes have been made within the OroCRM 2.6.12 maintenance release:

  • Email attachments archived as a ZIP file are downloaded properly.
  • The UpdateEmailActivityListOwners migration using data from multiple origins works as intended.
  • It’s now possible to add custom operators for the API filters.
  • When the “Convert to case” option is activated and a tag is added, System mailboxes work as expected.
  • Datagrid filters have been improved and work as intended.
  • The API Get list request result contains only entities relevant to the given organization’s scope.

To learn more about the new changes, go to the respective GitHub repository and read the release notes.

OroCRM Enterprise 2.3.31

  • Data grid ‘equals’ filter works as intended.
  • Redelivery messages work as intended on RabbitMQ.
  • Consumers now process the Schema Update status
  • The issue related to the EntityDetachFixer class during the price list import t has been fixed.
  • The UpdateEmailActivityListOwners migration using data from multiple origins works as intended.
  • When the “Convert to case” option is activated and a tag is added, System mailboxes work as expected.
  • Custom GridView module definition doesn’t spoil default grid view variable.
  • Dotmailer works properly on PostgreSQL with case sensitivity settings configured.

For the complete list of fixes, visit the corresponding GitHub repository and read these release notes.

OroCRM and OroCRM Enterprise 3.0.0 RC (Release Candidate)

The major improvement of this release candidate is a completed transition to Symfony 3.4.

For more details, read the release notes for OroCRM 3.0.0. RC and OroCRM Enterprise 3.0.0 RC.

That’s it for today’s round-up of the application’s improvements. We’ll keep you posted on further useful changes within OroCRM.


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