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You are currently viewing documentation for a previously released version of OroCRM. See the latest long-term support version.

How to co-install OroCommerce and OroCRM


  1. Before install OroCommerce over OroCRM you should change default parameter web_backend_prefix to some non-empty prefix, f.e. – ‘/admin’.
  2. Package manager doesn’t show enterprise packages, so you can’t install commerce-enterprise and crm-enterprise through it, please use console instead.

Fresh install (console)

  1. Install composer dependencies with composer install
  2. Install additional dependencies with composer require package_name
  3. Install application ( Note: application-url is required parameter on install, another way your application can redirect you to default website url ( localhost ))


$ app/console oro:install --env test --organization-name Oro --user-name admin --user-email --user-firstname John --user-lastname Doe --user-password admin --sample-data n --application-url --force

Install over existed application (console)

  1. Install additional dependencies with composer require package_name
  2. Do database backup
  3. Run app/console oro:platform:update --force
  4. If you do install OroCommerce over OroCRM please run next commands (“unsecure_url” and “secure_url” are urls of the current frontend part of website):
app/console oro:config:update oro_website.url unsecure_url
app/console oro:config:update oro_website.secure_url secure_url

Install over existed application (Package manager)


Installation session requires changes in next php settings:
  • memory_limit: 3G
  • max_execution_time: 300
  1. Do database backup
  2. Go to package manager and install required packages
  3. If you do install OroCommerce over OroCRM please run next commands (“unsecure_url” and “secure_url” are urls of the current frontend part of website):
app/console oro:config:update oro_website.url unsecure_url
app/console oro:config:update oro_website.secure_url secure_url
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