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Forums Forums OroPlatform OroPlatform – How do I? Questions How can I change file to write log for Message Queue, or turn it off

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  thinh2010 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Creator
  • #36566


    Hi team,

    I am running oro platform version 2.5.0. Now the Message Queue put too much logs into prod.log, it hards to find my error log when my website have error. So I want to find a way to turn off Message Queue log, or make it put logs into other files.

    DO you have any ideal?

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  • Author
  • #36567


    Hi @thinh2010,

    Message Queue write logs to prod.log depending on your monolog configuration. You can find more information how to configure error levels for production environment here. Look to the default Oro Application config_prod.yml it use minimal error level critical.

    Also Message Queue has a verbosity level, that is how much information consumer log to the output. For example

    app/console --env=prod oro:message-queue:consume -vvv will print maximum information.

    You can also temporary decrease log level if you need, using command

    app/console oro:logger:level debug "1 hour" --user=admin@example.com from the documentation.



    Thank you very much, I will give a try

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