Understanding how to grow your B2B network as a dropshipping supplier effectively can significantly improve your sales and profitability in the long run, even though it may take some time to build up your business.
In this blog post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about growing your B2B network, including tips on finding prospects, getting them excited about your products or services, and convincing them that you’re their best dropshipping supplier of choice. For an overview of all the channels you can use, read on.
Growing Your B2B Supplier Network
Join an international dropshipping group
Signing up for international groups is one way that dropshipping suppliers can broaden their networks. Groups like this tend to have a more niche focus and can help get your foot in the door with potential wholesale partners.
Joining an international group can benefit dropshipping suppliers who want to use these new connections as leverage when approaching larger companies looking for new sources of goods.
Focus on helping others through articles
If you are looking to use the B2B dropship model, you will have better luck concentrating on content marketing. The best way for any business to advertise is by producing valuable content for the audience. Focus on writing articles that would help other business owners succeed. Create blog posts and videos that answer questions and solve problems.
The more people you can help, the higher quality contacts they will be, which means higher chances of finding new clients. For example, you could create an educational series that teaches others how to set up their shop or automate their orders. You can even find influencers who specialize in topics like dropshipping or E-commerce and offer them guest blogs so they can promote themselves. The possibilities are endless with B2B dropshipping!
Use Facebook Live to show you know your stuff
Facebook Live is an excellent way to show potential customers you know what you will let your customers know. Doing live broadcasts on Facebook can help build up your audience, showcase your products for sale, and get people excited about buying from you.
You should aim to broadcast at least once weekly or every other day if possible. It’s also essential to ensure that your broadcast content is relevant so that viewers will continue tuning in when they see new broadcasts on their feeds.
Contact influencers in person at an event
The best way to be successful with any marketing is often all about knowing the right people. At an event, you can take advantage of face-to-face networking opportunities and connect with relevant industry influencers who can serve as potential customers for your company. So next time you’re planning a conference, try to invite these key players to help drive sales for your B2B dropshipping business.
The Statistics and Trends of Dropshipping in B2B
A new trend in B2B business, which many have dubbed dropshipping, has taken the world by storm and proven that it is here to stay. The statistics and trends of dropshipping show just how popular this new way of doing business has become in recent years.
Other eCommerce platforms like Amazon and eBay, while they can be highly profitable, require a considerable amount of up-front investment to launch the business and that’s before you start selling any products!
With dropshipping, you don’t need to worry about these expenses or find yourself in debt before you can even start profiting from your business. Dropshipping allows you to make money with your business right away, as long as you know where to source your inventory from.
Statistics and trends show that there has been an increase in the number of businesses interested in dropshipping as a viable business model, especially within the last decade. If you are looking to start your own business and need help with researching a business model, read this article to find out the pros and cons of dropshipping and how it compares to other e-commerce models.
The Benefits of Expanding Into Dropshipping
There are several benefits of expanding into the dropshipping market, including reaching an entirely new customer base, getting more traffic to your store and engaging in products that you may not be familiar with. Plus, it’s easier than ever to get started with dropshipping, as the resources available online are plentiful and accessible to anyone looking to start their business online.
By expanding into dropshipping, you can make more money online without having to increase your workload or putting any money upfront on product inventory or shipping costs. Here’s why you should consider dropshipping if you’re already engaged in business.
Dropshipping allows you to start selling your products without having to first purchase an inventory of those products, which can get expensive really fast. This business model is perfect for sellers who are just starting out, and it’s become even more popular with the advent of the internet and eCommerce sites like Amazon and eBay.
By expanding into dropshipping, you will be able to take advantage of these and other platforms that are crucial to the success of any modern e-commerce business. Dropshipping is an efficient and lucrative way to expand your business, assuming you’re already engaged in business.
If you’re looking to make the switch, here is how to start:
1. Build relationships one-on-one
Start by researching prospective clients, ensuring you have solid background knowledge of the company’s services, mission statement, and how they came about.
Once you feel confident in this information, reach out and introduce yourself with a genuine email. The email should briefly summarize you and what you do while suggesting ways to work together, such as providing a quote or introducing them to another B2B wholesale supplier. You should include links to your business website and blog if applicable.
2. Use tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and G Suite
These tools will help you refine your customer base and increase customer conversions by learning more about their preferences. Additionally, they can help you identify which customers are likely to spend the most money with you.
It’s also possible that LinkedIn Sales Navigator and G Suite generate leads and promote content. For this to work, you’ll need to maintain an active LinkedIn and G Suite profile so that people searching for wholesale dropshipping suppliers find you.
What are LinkedIn Sales Navigator and G Suite tools for business owners interested in wholesale dropshipping suppliers, or who are wholesalers themselves? These tools help you refine your customer base and increase conversions. They can also help you identify high-value customers who might be more inclined to spend big with you. And finally, these tools are used to generate leads and promote content – but only if you have an active LinkedIn and G Suite profile.
3. Publish informational content on different platforms
Publish informational content on platforms like Medium, Quora, and LinkedIn Influencers
Dropshipping suppliers can enhance their business by creating informative content shared on popular publishing sites like Quora and LinkedIn Influencers.
For example, create an ultimate guide for people looking to learn more about dropshipping. Once you have finished the post, please share it on Quora or LinkedIn Influencers and generate traffic to your site.
4. Become a guest speaker for groups that want to learn about building their global business
To grow your B2B wholesale or dropshipping supplier business, you can share your knowledge with other groups interested in learning about building their own global businesses. Becoming a guest speaker is an excellent way to create connections and build relationships that will help you generate more sales.
Final Words
If you are interested in wholesale dropshipping, you must build a strong and diverse network of wholesale suppliers. It’s not just about increasing the number of suppliers but also about finding suitable suppliers to provide the goods at a competitive price.

To learn more about the latest changes in the B2B wholesale industry, you can read Slyvia’s blogs on Hongkiat, Newsbreak, Grey Journal.