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Forums Forums OroPlatform OroPlatform – Programming Questions Cannot enable comments for my custom Entity with too long name

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Alexander Morozov 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #34573

    Alexander Morozov

    I have a custom Entity named “PriceRequestHistory” and I need to enable comments for it.
    My migrations for it was written like in this tutorial.

    1. My migrations failed with an error

    “ERROR: Max column name length is 30. Please correct “oro_comment:price_request_history_b954e5f7_id” column in “Dwdm\Bundle\PriceBundle\Migrations\Schema\v1_4\DwdmPriceBundle” migration”.

    So the length of autogenerated field “price_request_history_b954e5f7_id” is too long.
    2. When I tried to use ExtendExtension->addManyToOneRelation(…) and use my custom “$targetTitleColumnName” argument with shorter name “dwdm_p_r_h” the ActivityListMigration probably generates wrong relation name “$price_request_history_b954e5f7” in EX_OroCommentBundle_Comment entity.
    3. I tried to rename my class with file, but I’ve got too mush errors and problems with classnames stored in database.

    So what can I do with too long autogenerated field names? My oro platfrom version is 2.2.*. Thank you.

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