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Forums Forums OroPlatform OroPlatform – Feature Requests "first filter, then load" feature for huge reports

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Artem Liubeznyi 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Creator
  • #36789

    Ahmad Golzar


    We have encountered a problem with huge reports. As our database grows, some of our reports take longer and longer to load. We usually need to filter the report after it loads based on time, contact, customer, … to get something meaningful. Now after setting filters the report becomes much smaller and therefore faster.

    It would be very nice if it the report could first load an empty grid with filters available. Then we can first set our filters and there could be a button like “apply” or “show” and the data get loaded after clicking on the button.

    Thanks for the great platform and support,

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  • Author
  • #36790

    Artem Liubeznyi

    Hi Ahmad,

    Why don’t you apply filters in the report builder, so the report loads small from the beginning?


    Ahmad Golzar


    Thanks for your reply.
    First, is there a way to set up a default filtering and then change the filter after the report loads?

    Second, the user decides about what kind of analysis s/he might need. For example if the report is on the orders, the user may decide to check a specific customers’ orders on a specific duration or all orders for a specific product for the first 6 months or the third quarter, … Therefore we cannot set a specific filter before loading the report.




    Would be nice also to have an “automatic query killer” just in case someone build a report that “never ends”. Sometimes the query is so heavy that takes the whole database down. I created a script that runs every 1 minute killing queries with > 1 minute. It works but something coming out of the box would be nice.


    Artem Liubeznyi


    Nope; filters applied in the report builder do not show up in the resulting grid. Would be a nice improvement though, thanks for the idea. What for the blank page with Load button—not sure that its benefits will overcome the decrease in usability for those users who just want to check a simple pre-cooked report and in this case will be required to click one more button. Need to think this through with our UX guys.


    I think the best solution would be to improve report performance in general, and our performance improvement efforts in 1.9 release have partially addressed that. This effort will continue into our future releases in 2016 too, and I will take into account issues with heavy report queries.

    Thanks for your input guys, really appreciate it.


    Ahmad Golzar

    Dear Artem,

    Thanks again for your reply. Regarding your comment:

    “for the blank page with Load button—not sure that its benefits will overcome the decrease in usability for those users who just want to check a simple pre-cooked report and in this case will be required to click one more button”

    This can be a choice for the report designer (a simple config check box in report designer / simple config in yaml for custom reports). So the designer can choose the report to be a “late load report” only for specific reports. Other reports can load the same as now)



    Artem Liubeznyi


    This might work, thank you.

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