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Testing REST Api


To be sure that your REST API resources work properly you can cover them by functional tests. To simplify creating the functional test for REST API resources conform JSON.API specification the RestJsonApiTestCase test case was created. The following table contains the list of most useful methods of this class:

requestSends any REST API request.
cgetSends GET request for a list of entities.
getSends GET request for a single entity.
postSends POST request for an entity resource. If the second parameter is a file name, the file should be located in the requests directory near to PHP file contains the test.
patchSends PATCH request for a single entity. If the second parameter is a file name, the file should be located in the requests directory near to PHP file contains the test.
deleteSends DELETE request for a single entity.
cdeleteSends DELETE request for a list of entities.
getSubresourceSends GET request for a sub-resource of a single entity.
getRelationshipSends GET request for a relationship of a single entity.
postRelationshipSends POST request for a relationship of a single entity.
patchRelationshipSends PATCH request for a relationship of a single entity.
deleteRelationshipSends DELETE request for a relationship of a single entity.
assertResponseContainsAsserts the response content contains the the given data. If the first parameter is a file name, the file should be located in the responses directory near to PHP file contains the test.
assertResponseCountAsserts the response contains the given number of data items.
assertResponseNotEmptyAsserts the response data are not empty.
assertResponseValidationErrorAsserts the response content contains the the given validation error.
assertResponseValidationErrorsAsserts the response content contains the the given validation errors.
dumpYmlTemplateSaves a response content to a YAML file. If the first parameter is a file name, the file will be saved in the responses directory near to PHP file contains the test.
getResourceIdExtracts JSON.API resource identifier from the response. For details see JSON.API Specification.
getRequestDataConverts the given request to an array that can be sent to the server. The given request can be a path to a file contains the request data or an array with the request data. If the request is a file name, the file should be located in the requests directory near to PHP file contains the test.
getResponseErrorsExtracts the list of errors from JSON.API response. For details see JSON.API Specification.
appendEntityConfigAppends a configuration of an entity. This method may be helpful if you create some general functionality and need to test it for different configurations without creating a test entity for each configuration. Please note that the configuration is restored after each test and you do not need to do it manually.


See the Actions section for more details on each method.

Load Fixtures

You can use Doctrine and Alice fixtures:

class InventoryLevelApiTest extends RestJsonApiTestCase
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp()
        $this->loadFixtures([__DIR__ . '/DataFixtures/inventory_level.yml']);

Fixture file:

  - Oro\Bundle\WarehouseBundle\Tests\Functional\DataFixtures\LoadWarehouseAndInventoryLevels

    warehouse: '@warehouse.1'
    productUnitPrecision: '@product-1->primaryUnitPrecision'
    quantity: 10

The dependencies section can be used if a fixture depends to other Doctrine or Alice fixtures. References will be shared between Alice and Doctrine fixtures.

Alice references

In Alice fixtures as well as in yml templates the references can be used.


Use methods of properties with references:


Yaml templates

Yaml template is a regular yaml. The only difference is that you can use references and faker in values All values will be processed by Alice and replaces with appropriate value. For details see Alice documentation.

Assert expectations

Assert expected response by using yaml templates. Yaml template:

        type: inventorylevels
        id: '@warehouse_inventory_level.warehouse.1.product_unit_precision.product-1.liter->id'
            quantity: '10.0000000000'
                    type: products
                    id: '@product-1->id'
                    type: productunitprecisions
                    id: '@product_unit_precision.product-1.liter->id'
                    type: warehouses
                    id: '@warehouse.1->id'

In php test:

public function testGetList()
    $response = $this->cget(
        ['entity' => 'inventorylevels'],
            'include' => 'product,productUnitPrecision',
            'filter' => [
                'product.sku' => '@product-1->sku',

    $this->assertResponseContains('cget_filter_by_product.yml', $response);

Yaml templates for request body

You can use array with references for request body:

public function testUpdateEntity()
    $response = $this->patch(
        ['entity' => 'inventorylevels', 'product.sku' => '@product-1->sku'],
            'data' => [
                'type' => 'inventorylevels',
                'id' => '<toString(@product-1->id)>',
                'attributes' => [
                    'quantity' => '17'

or you can hold yaml in .yml file:

public function testCreateCustomer()
        ['entity' => 'customers'],
        'create_customer.yml' // loads data from __DIR__ . '/requests/create_customer.yml'

Process single reference

Sometimes you need a process a single reference e.g. for compare it with other value


The processTemplateData method can process string, array or yml file.

Dump response into Yaml template

During development new tests for REST api you have ability to dump response into Yaml template

public function testGetList()
    $response = $this->cget(
        ['entity' => 'products'],
        ['filter' => ['sku' => '@product-1->sku']]
    // dumps response content to __DIR__ . '/responses/' . 'test_cget_entity.yml'
    $this->dumpYmlTemplate('test_cget_entity.yml', $response);

Use this for the first time and check references after that – there are can be some collision with references that has same ids

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