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For some types of REST API requests you can get an additional information like the total number of records, the number of affected records, etc. For these purposes the X-Include request header can be used. The value of this header should contains keys separated by semicolon (;).

The following example shows how to get the total number of account:

curl "http://orocrm.loc/app_dev.php/api/accounts?page=1&limit=2" -v --header="X-Include:totalCount" --header="X-WSSE:..."

It will return

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< X-Include-Total-Count: 67

Notes: – to generate WSSE header you can run php app/console oro:wsse:generate-header YOUR_API_KEY

Existing X-Include keys

The following table describes all existing keys for X-Include header.

<th nowrap>Request Type</th>
<th nowrap>X-Include key</th>
<th nowrap>Response Header</th>
<td nowrap>get a list of entities</td>
<td nowrap>totalCount</td>
<td nowrap>X-Include-Total-Count</td>
<td>Returns the total number of entities. It is calculated based on input filters.</td>
<td nowrap rowspan="2">delete a list of entities</td>
<td nowrap>totalCount</td>
<td nowrap>X-Include-Total-Count</td>
<td>Returns the total number of entities. It is calculated based on input filters.</td>
<td nowrap>deletedCount</td>
<td nowrap>X-Include-Deleted-Count</td>
<td>Returns the number of deleted entities</td>

Add new X-Include key

Also it is possible to add own key to the X-Include header. To do this you have to:

  • create a processor that will handle your key

namespace Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Processor\DeleteList;

use Oro\Component\ChainProcessor\ContextInterface;
use Oro\Component\ChainProcessor\ProcessorInterface;
use Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Processor\Context;

 * Calculates and sets the total number of deleted records to "X-Include-Deleted-Count" response header,
 * in case if it was requested by "X-Include: deletedCount" request header.
class SetDeletedCountHeader implements ProcessorInterface
    const RESPONSE_HEADER_NAME = 'X-Include-Deleted-Count';
    const REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE = 'deletedCount';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function process(ContextInterface $context)
        /** @var DeleteListContext $context */

        if ($context->getResponseHeaders()->has(self::RESPONSE_HEADER_NAME)) {
            // the deleted records count header is already set

        $xInclude = $context->getRequestHeaders()->get(Context::INCLUDE_HEADER);
        if (empty($xInclude) || !in_array(self::REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE, $xInclude, true)) {
            // the deleted records count is not requested

        $result = $context->getResult();
        if (null !== $result && is_array($result)) {
            $context->getResponseHeaders()->set(self::RESPONSE_HEADER_NAME, count($result));
    class: Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Processor\DeleteList\SetDeletedCountHeader
        - { name: oro.api.processor, action: delete_list, group: delete_data, priority: -10 }
  • create a processor that will remove your response header in case if an error occurs

namespace Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Processor\DeleteList;

use Oro\Component\ChainProcessor\ContextInterface;
use Oro\Component\ChainProcessor\ProcessorInterface;

 * Removes the "X-Include-Deleted-Count" response header if any error occurs.
class RemoveDeletedCountHeader implements ProcessorInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function process(ContextInterface $context)
        /** @var DeleteListContext $context */

        if ($context->hasErrors()
            && $context->getResponseHeaders()->has(SetDeletedCountHeader::RESPONSE_HEADER_NAME)
        ) {
    class: Oro\Bundle\ApiBundle\Processor\DeleteList\RemoveDeletedCountHeader
        - { name: oro.api.processor, action: delete_list, group: normalize_result, priority: 100 }
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