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B2B eCommerce

The Magento CRM Process: How to Integrate Magento with OroCRM

With OroCRM Bridge, you can fully integrate Magento data and functionality with OroCRM. Find out how here.

Product News & Updates

Infographic of OroCRM Progress

Infographic showing OroCRM's progress to date.

Product News & Updates

Release Candidate 1: Improved Reports

RC1?s improved reports give you much more flexibility to create the reports you need to get a more complete view of your customers and workflows.

Product News & Updates

eGuerrillas is OroCRM’s Latest Solution Partner

By expanding their marketing services, eGuerrillas sees a partnership with OroCRM as a key path to better satisfy customer demand.

Product News & Updates

Release Candidate 1: Translations Management

Translations Management includes a complete interface allowing users to download any language package from within OroCRM - the Open Source CRM for Commerce.

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Release Candidate 1: Dashboard Sales Funnel

OroCRM, the Open Source CRM for ecommerce, adds a new dashboard sales funnel that visualizes the entire sales process.

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Early Adopter Program

For companies that work with us as an early adopter, we will provide assistance in taking them live on OroCRM.

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Version 1.0.0 – Release Candidate 1 is Now Available

OroCRM Version 1.0.0 - Release Candidate 1 is Now Available.

Product News & Updates

Recap of OroCRM Partner Training

Early last week, OroCRM held its very first partner training session in Europe. It was an incredible event as 21 developers and technical managers.

Oro Blog

Our B2B eCommerce blog comprises posts on a wide range of topics any B2B eCommerce market player will find useful. We share only latest industry news, highlight most innovative technologies and proven B2B best practices, and announce high-profile events orchestrating the B2B eCommerce space. Our experts provide actionable marketing advice to help you fuel up your business evolvement. To introduce OroCommerce, the first genuine B2B platform, and educate our customers on its extensive set of features, we offer guided tutorials,functionality overviews, and latest product advancements. Subscribe to our blog to take advantage of the booming eCommerce market.

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