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Product News & Updates

The Salesforce CRM and OroCommerce Integration: The Fast and Easy Way to Go Online

The Salesforce CRM and OroCommerce integration is a turn-key solution to quickly launch a self-serve B2B ecommerce store.

Year in review 2023

Product News & Updates

OroCommerce’s 2023 Year in Review

We’re grateful for the support and dedication of our team, customers, partners, and investors, who helped us achieve amazing results in 2023.

How OroCommerce Boosts User Experience with On-Site Search Tools

Product News & Updates

Enhancing User Experience With On-Site Search: The OroCommerce Toolbox

How to make B2B ecommerce on-site search more effective and user-friendly? Here are six essential features to consider.

Feature Highlight Stripe Oro Integration Supports Multi-Vendor Marketplaces

Product News & Updates

Feature Highlight: Stripe Oro Integration Supports Multi-Vendor Marketplaces

The Oro Stripe integration offers a powerful tool for accepting debit and credit card payments and splitting payments and refunds to multiple sellers.


Product News & Updates

Elevate Your Storefront Design with Elfsight Extension for OroCommerce!

With the Elfsight integration for OroCommerce, store managers can enhance their storefronts with powerful Elfsight design elements. These include product carousels, social media pages, buttons, maps, and more.


Product News & Updates

OroCommerce 5.1 Demo: Strengthen Your Business Resilience and Customer Retention

OroCommerce 5.1 Is Out! Here's your chance to get close and personal with the latest release. Get an exclusive look at the product updates and explore use cases to boost sales and get customers coming back.


Product News & Updates

We’ve Raised $13M to Accelerate Digital Transformation with B2B eCommerce

Big news! We're thrilled to announce that we've secured a $13 million funding round to grow our company, and revolutionize our industry. We couldn't be more excited about the possibilities this brings for our customers, ecosystem, and friends.


Product News & Updates

Oro’s 2022 Year In Review

Oro's 2022 was full of ups, downs, and surprises. We ended the year strong, united, and ready for the future. Explore our 2022 year in numbers, our accomplishments, and how far we've come.


Product News & Updates

Introducing OroMakerBundle: Boost Productivity, Reliability, and Save Time

Calling all developers: save time and get more done! Introducing OroMakerBundle, Oro's new code-generating tool designed to help developers working with bundles, forms, data grids, and other elements.

Product News & Updates

Our B2B eCommerce blog comprises posts on a wide range of topics any B2B eCommerce market player will find useful. We share only latest industry news, highlight most innovative technologies and proven B2B best practices, and announce high-profile events orchestrating the B2B eCommerce space. Our experts provide actionable marketing advice to help you fuel up your business evolvement. To introduce OroCommerce, the first genuine B2B platform, and educate our customers on its extensive set of features, we offer guided tutorials,functionality overviews, and latest product advancements. Subscribe to our blog to take advantage of the booming eCommerce market.

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