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Product News & Updates

Meet Magento and Bargento 2013 Wrap Up

Meet Magento and Bargento 2013 Wrap Up

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform code now on GitHub

By popular demand our code is published on GitHub now. You can find the the clone instructions on our download page on OroCRM.

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and OroPlatform Code is Open

Announcing making OroCRM and Oro Platform code is now open to the public. Developers can now follow our open source products, CRM and BAP, development

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Partner Preview

OroCRM offers a preview of System Integrator and Technology Partner Programs

Developers' Digest

OroCRM and Platform Technology

Technology overview of OroCRM and The Oro Platform.

Developers' Digest

The OroPlatform

From the outset of working on OroCRM, an Open Source CRM application, we felt there was another problem we could address in parallel.

Product News & Updates

OroCRM Product Plan

A key component of any successful Open Source Project is providing transparency so our Community is able to become an integral part of the development.

Product News & Updates

First Week Wrap Up

It?s been an amazing first week for the OroCRM Team! In the week since we launched we have had thousands of website visitors, hundreds of people sign up for product updates and lots of activity happening in social media.

Say Hello to OroCRM

B2B eCommerce

Say Hello to OroCRM

We are excited to tell the story of OroCRM. ?Before we get into what we are building it?s worth entioning why we are doing it.

Oro Blog

Our B2B eCommerce blog comprises posts on a wide range of topics any B2B eCommerce market player will find useful. We share only latest industry news, highlight most innovative technologies and proven B2B best practices, and announce high-profile events orchestrating the B2B eCommerce space. Our experts provide actionable marketing advice to help you fuel up your business evolvement. To introduce OroCommerce, the first genuine B2B platform, and educate our customers on its extensive set of features, we offer guided tutorials,functionality overviews, and latest product advancements. Subscribe to our blog to take advantage of the booming eCommerce market.

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