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Query Builder

To perform search queries, you need to use the query builder => \Oro\Bundle\SearchBundle\Query\Query.


$query = (new Query())
        ->andWhere('all_data', '=', 'Functions', 'text')
        ->orWhere('price', '>', 85, 'decimal');

Syntax of Query builder is close to Doctrine 2.

  • select() – accepts a string or array of strings that represent field names in the search index. The values of those fields will be returned in the selected_data key of the response items. The select() parser will also accept SQL fieldname aliasing syntax, for example:
$query = (new Query())
        ->select('fieldvalue as name')

NOTE: If you do not want to overwrite the existing fields, use the addSelect() method. * from() – takes array or string of entity aliases to search from. If the argument was *, then the search will be performed for all entities.

  • andWhere(), orWhere() – functions set AND WHERE and OR WHERE functions in search request.
    • First argument – field name to search from. It can be set to * for searching by all fields.
    • Second argument – operators <, >, =, !=, etc. If first argument is for text field, this parameter will be ignored.
    • Third argument – value to search
    • Fourth argument – field type.
  • setFirstResult() – set the first result offset
  • setMaxResults() – set max results of records in result.

As the result of the query, Oro\Bundle\SearchBundle\Query\Result will be returned with the information about the search query and result items.

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